Who do you want to be?

Because with FIELD, your best life is waiting for you...

Get ready to Meet Your Brain


Meet your brain

Get ready for a simple and powerful experience that introduces you to your brain, helps you understand why you feel and do things the way you do, and then gives you the power to take control of your happiness and wellbeing.


Your brain is connected to every system in your body and every aspect of your life. As you come to know your brain, and see your settings, you'll get insights into your self, your life, and your wellbeing.

Design your best life

The best lives are designed from the inside out. We're here to help make you happier, healthier and more balanced.

Our AI-guided brain training will help you measure and master what matters to you most, and achieve the life you want in a way that's felt in your body and mind, and experienced in your life.



The patterns of your brainwaves tell a tale that is uniquely you. When you meet your brain with Field, you gain access to those patterns and what they mean in a way that makes them relevant to you. Using our state-of-the-art quantitative EEG technology (qEEG), we begin the process by giving you a feel for what's going on up there, what it means, and what we can do about it.



Field's simple yet groundbreaking process allows you to get in closer touch with your brain rhythms. Based on your goals and your brain's current and ideal states, our system provides personalized guidance, training, and feedback, all while you choose what you'd like to explore. Using the power of technology you’ll learn to alter the biological rhythms of your body and brain, gaining access to more balance, less stress, & a world of new possibilities.



As the new rhythms and states you learn through brain training become more and more familiar, Field will help you make them part of your everyday reality. Soon enough, you’ll know more about what drives your emotions and behaviors, how you feel when you’re at your best, and how to keep it that way. Your ability to get this instant feedback and insight from your brain will have you making better decisions from the inside out as you create a life you love in every domain.


Neurofeedback has decades of research backing its safety and efficacy.


Like training your muscles, neurofeedback creates changes in your brain, altering and updating the firing patterns and connections in your brain in ways that make you healthier and more balanced.


The data we collect is stored on secure servers and the information belongs to you and no one else. It never gets sold to third parties and you can delete it at any time.


Arthur C. Clarke said that "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Get ready to experience magic.



Since your brain is connected to every other system in your body, having a window into its health is critically important. FIELD’s technology works like a dashboard into your brain. Using FIELD's proprietary cap means you can measure your brainwaves - the electricity coming off your brain, which then allows us to make high fidelity calculations about what’s happening throughout your brain and in turn share meaningful insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your brain in memory, learning, language, caring relationships, attention, goal setting, and much more. 

But measuring is just the beginning.  What you can measure you can master, and FIELD allows you to do exactly that - master the various aspects of your brain and experience through a simple form of feedback. Neurofeedback empowers you to strengthen the parts of your brain and life most important to you. Neurofeedback works by setting a simple goal for the brain and then giving either audio or visual rewards when the brain performs correctly. Using your goals paired with the power of AI, training is fast and relatively easy, leading to long-term, measurable changes in performance, and overall brain health... all in relation to a life you increasingly love.



PHASE 1: A private, immersive pod coming soon to luxury spas, wellness clinics and regenerative practices globally. Meet your brain then interact with it directly through an app for your phone or tablet.

PHASE 2: Using the same technology as we do in the FIELD pod, personal caps will be sold for you to use in your home to  train your brain and improve your life whenever and however you want.